re-Living the Tradition!

Towards the end of a day of filming we came across a beautiful spot near the sea, just north of Sligo. It looked like the sunset was going to be spectacular. We set up to film A Stór Mo Chroí (Treasure of my Heart). But then, after the first take, rain kicked in. Yet, the…… Continue Reading
End of filming! We made it, 13 days of intense work, 2200km on irish roads (argg, tractors!), 20 hours of raw video material, 4 seasons of weather per day, and most importantly all the fantastic encounters with people all along the road! Editing has started, and we will tease you with snippets in the weeks…… Continue Reading
This is a photo from the top of the road at Coorheen, Loughrea. The cows were curious at me packing away my cello. To the left is what was once the wide avenue driveway that led down to Fanny Powers house. At the bottom of the slope is the lough. I think these are the…… Continue Reading
This weekend we visited Cape Clear, or Clear Island, to record the “Cape Clear” air. Ilse participated in a session in the local pub and the next morning early we made our way up near the highest point of the island to witness and play at the sunrise. We then went on chasing for the…… Continue Reading