Music reviewer Jan Hocek, from the Czech Republic, has reviewed our Living the Tradition DVD! His has just posted his review here (in Czech). For those who do not read Czech, there is always Google Translate! More reviews to come soon!

Music reviewer Jan Hocek, from the Czech Republic, has reviewed our Living the Tradition DVD! His has just posted his review here (in Czech). For those who do not read Czech, there is always Google Translate! More reviews to come soon!
I have throughly enjoyed the work that you and Maarten took such care to craft. The music itself was reverent, remarkable and fresh, the photography breathtaking, and the depth of the history exposed and shared was just plain fun to hear and see. The generosity and grace of the various contributors is so typically Irish, from farmer in his field, to the lovely Countess. Thank you so much for sharing this lovingly crafted journey.
P.S. I was curious how many copies of the DVD came to the USA. I may purchase another copy to share with friends and Irish Music enthusiasts?