Author Archives: Ilse de Ziah

First day

Woke up to wild windy rain and it’s hard to leave a warm bed! Maarten arrived from Portugal at midnight last night and a few late preparations had to be made! We travel today to Kilkenny to meet Siobhan Armstrong at her Summer School of Early Irish Harp. We will meet her and talk about…Continue Reading

A short visit to Cobh

In July we scouted a location in Cobh. The air A Stór Mo Chroí (Treasure of my Heart), which is about leaving Ireland (emigration), can be related to this site where many people took off to America, Canada and Australia. Here is a short impression of our travel to and visit. Living the Tradition, behind…Continue Reading

Inch beach

Great day of filming yesterday. Maarten arrived from Faro at midday and we went via Cobh. A Stor Mo Chroi is a song about someone leaving Ireland from the perspective of the person left behind. We wanted to film a little of where emigrants used to leave Ireland. Cobh was known as Queenstown, and between…Continue Reading